Friday, November 26, 2010


                 HEALTH TIPS SERIES
                                                              Hair Health
Hair is cylinder of dead tissue. Damaged hair can never be fully restored to its
original condition. The main factor in growth of the hair is the kind of cells that exit
in the hair follicles from which the hair grows in the individual person. Each individual
hair is also different in one individual .Hair- care products are intended to promote
certain favorable conditions of hair and to reduce of eliminate properties of hair,
which are regarded as undesirable.
Reasons for Hair Loss
Both men and women lose hair for similar reasons. Hair loss in men is often more
dramatic, and follows a specific pattern of loss which has been termed "Male Pattern
Baldness". This loss is caused by dihydrotestosterone (DHT).
Factors for male hair loss include: heredity, hormones, and aging. This may also
apply to women but to a lesser degree. Women may experience loss of hair after
menopause and 2-3 months after having a baby. Other contributing factors include:
poor diet, poor circulation, acute illness, radiation, chemotherapy, high stress,
thyroid imbalance, certain drugs, coming off the contraceptive pill, diabetes, high
doses of vitamin A (more than 100,000 IU), sudden weight loss, high fever, iron
deficiency, ringworm, some fungal infections, chemicals and hair dyes, vitamin
deficiencies, and lack of proper nutrition.
Drastic or premature hair loss may be caused by:
1. Stress and bodily weakness from overwork.
2. Dietary imbalances or nutritional deficiency.
3. Using abrasive shampoos, hair lacquers, dyes and bleaching, etc.
4. Endocrine disorder.
5. Genetic factors.
6. Infectious diseases.
7. Hormonal metabolic changes in lactating women.
8. Nutrient and protein deficiencies in the hair cells.
Routine care of scalp and Hair:
It is very important to have day to day care given to hair and scalp to maintain its
health and to increase its beauty. This routine includes brushing, combing, cutting,
shampooing, massaging and application of hair dressing/lotion/oils.
Brushing and combing
Many sebaceous glands are distributed over the scalp. When the hair is brushed,
sedum secreted from these glands spreads over the surface of the hair and
makes it glossy and supple.
Brushing and combing temporarily affects the blood circulation of the scalp.

The brushes used should have well spaced bristles.
For long hairs brushing should begin at near the bottom of each strand and
slowly reaching the top and then beginning from scalp and sweep down the entire
strand of hair without encountering any tangle. Careful treatment of this nature
excludes the breaking and tearing of hair.
When the hair is weakened and its attachment is less the normal, frequent and
vigorous brushing may increase hair fall resulting in further damage. Under such
condition gentle massage of the scalp could be done and daily vigorous brushing
should be avoided.
Massage with Hair oil:
Hair oils especially those containing herbs are one of very important in hair care.
They should be used once every week and left overnight.
Primary objective is to clean hair and scalp of all foreign matters. The ideal shampoo
should clean the scalp without producing irritation or causing excessive reduction of
the natural oils, they should have an acidic pH, that is less then 7.
Hair loss
Hair loss can be sudden or gradual. With the healthy scalp loss of 50-100 hairs is
normal. It is concern when it exceeds more than 100 hairs per day or hair no longer
grows back on any part of the scalp. Loss of hair may be due to various causes.
How to have healthy and beautiful hair.
Three main things are needed for a good-looking head of hair -- good health, the
right attention to cleanliness, and caution when using cosmetic treatments.
Some tips for maintaining healthy hair are:
Have a good intake of minerals and vitamins, that is have a health and balanced
diet with proper mix of protiens,carbohydrates,
Fruits, green leafy vegetables.
Maintain good hydration levels ( consume at least 8 glasses of water everyday)
Have 8 hours of good sleep every day
Exercise regularly. it improves the blood circulation
Avoid oils and fried foods.
Keep stress at bay.

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